Friday, July 17, 2015

Personal Bits #2 !

Hello there kids :>.  Today I will be giving you peek into my personal life with what's going on inside and out:
Remember last month I disappeared for a while and then suddenly popped out of nowhere?. This photo is a reminder.


I made this totally crazy quote myself:

Do you recognize this face?.


I wrote an open letter to this girl on my instagram:

"I have been there starting from age 13 to 17. had severe acne, was ugly and not liked by any boy ever. I would get cornered in school plays like a social taboo. I remember in my college times illiterate folks would ask me directly that why i got acne on my face?. How rude it is to ask a fault in appearance on someone's face. What really #shocked me though was the amount of #hate and #mean comments you received from all over the globe. Shocking even in today's world such illiterates exist. People don't realize if today they are targetting someone tomorrow it will be their turn.
I'd recommend you to use #Netrugena"Deep clean invigorating ultra foam cleanser facewash", been using from 8years everyday. Saved my ass and also try using less makeup. Be natural like the way you are"-Seresha

Inspired much?.


#snackmission2015 starting soon.


I watched "Stone Hearst Asylum" another #psychopath flick. I love psycho flicks enjoy them much. Thanks dad for buying me laptop. I can watch movies now even when lights are gone.

Alright that was enough for day,
Catch me soon again for more personal highlights.


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